TagShot IP License Plate Security Camera

Security cameras systems are made up of different types of specialty cameras, depending on what you need to monitor. Some customers need the ability to capture license plates. We have just the camera for that, the TagShot IP License Plate Camera.

The Tag Shot IP License Plate camera is capable of reading a license plate up to 50’ distance using its 5-50mm motorized lens semi autofocus lens. The Tag Shot IP use is built-in PoE Interface and is also 12V DC compatible. Tag Shot IP can be configured for motion detection and set up with a privacy mask if there is something you do not want to monitor. The Tag Shot IP combines 5 SR-LEDs for wide-angle illumination (square LEDs) and 25 five degree LEDs for long-range lighting. Recording Up to 30fps @ 1920 x 1080p.

As usual, the camera placement’s height and angle are crucial in getting good, reliable pictures of license tags. The same rule applies to all tag capture cameras: No more than 30-35 degrees above or to the side of passing vehicles. Having the license plate in view for the most extended time frame increases the number of video frames that you will capture.

For more information on the license plate camera, contact one of our Design Engineers toll-free 866-264-0041 or stop by our website at envirocams.com.